Perfection should never be taken for granted. Many years are wound away tuning and honing to achieve it, we must protect it. Reuse and recycle where possible.

Disposal and Recycling Solution !!!!!!!

Disposal and Recycling Solution !!!!!!!

For years now its been at the front of our minds to combat the growing amounts of waste fibre glass which is one of the most durable types of plastic we know.

We have been working on a solution !!!

We have developed a machine which can process cured fibre glass and return it back to a usable product which could be used again.

Please get in touch if you need disposal / salvage quotations or advice.

Disposal and recycling issues

  • Boat yards and marinas.

    Boat yards and marinas across the world store many unwanted, abandoned boats. These often end up in landfill or taking up valuable space.

  • Shorelines.

    Who hasn’t seen a wreck or mess of a boat left to rot on river banks or shorelines ? These can be the worst of all because no one wants to take responsibility for these and often the hardest boats to dispose of.

  • The issues.

    We are all responsible for the waste we have produced and the careless disposal of it in the past. Its time to take responsibility and find solutions to improve and reduce the waste in our seas and waterways.